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Welcome to Australia Kava Shop - We Know Our Roots!

Buy Kava at Australia Kava Shop

Buy Kava in Australia from our premium Vanuatu Kava and Fiji kava range. Buy kava online at Australia Kava Shop with express delivery and the best price. 

We only source the best noble varieties from the most reliable exporters. All our kava is certified as noble and has passed microbial testing at its country of origin. We then package it in Australia under HACCAP certified food conditions.

We have worked in kava since 2004 and have made contacts in the kava industry throughout the Pacific, USA and the EU.  Check out Australia Kava Shop’s range of kava, our team and history and you’ll see that “We know our Roots!”.

Check out our range of Noble Kava from across the Pacific!

Kava in Australia - We're celebrating!

Kava has been used throughout the Pacific for centuries as a social tonic and for custom ceremonies. A big wedding coming up? Then bringing kava is essential. It is an integral part of society in most South Pacific countries! We are celebrating the chance for people to be able to finally buy kava in Australia and buy kava online!

Are you new to kava or just looking for a fantastic deal on your next kava order  – We are here to help!

Shells for Boards

We are all about giving back to the Pacific community, so we have developed the Shells for Boards Program.  When you buy kava from Australia Kava Shop, we donate a dollar for every kilo sold to our charity partners, the Vanuatu Surfing Association! click here for more.

Make the most out of your kava with Australia Kava Shop Package Deals!

Fiji kava vs Vanuatu kava

The argument about whether Fiji kava is better than Vanuatu kava is decades long. If you want to buy kava, online but are unsure about which countries kava to pick, you have come to the right place. We supply only premium kava from both countries, but understanding the difference is important.

We are super passionate about kava, it’s been our life’s work! Check out our Kava Blog area for insight into what we do, kava developments, how to make and buy kava and general kava info! Click HERE to see our full library of kava blogs.