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Buy Kava Albury Wodonga - Certified Noble Kava

Are you wanting to buy kava in Albury Wodonga?

The good news is that now you can buy kava in Albury Wodonga using our awesome online service! WOOHOO!

Kava is a relaxing drink from the South Pacific Islands where it has been consumed for over 3,000 years. Moreover, it has been used by them as a social tonic and to ease anxiety and improve sleep.

We are passionate in our love of Kava. As such, here at Australia Kava Shop we wish to make sure that Albury Wodonga kava drinkers have the best kava available to them. 

As we don’t have retail outlets, we ship out daily to the Albury Wodonga region. Hence, it generally only takes 2-3 business days for your orders to arrive.

We’re proud to offer noble kava varieties only, guaranteed. And we know it’s not just about price when it comes to your health and wellness. As you know, it’s also about quality.

Our noble kava varieties have been shown to have a higher concentration of active compounds than non-noble varieties. Consequently, they’re likely to give you more of what you want from kava – less trouble sleeping at night and feeling anxious.

At Australia Kava Shop, we understand that getting the highest quality kava can be important. However, it shouldn’t require an expedition into the wilderness or an expensive plane ticket!

We even offer FREE delivery by Express Post for any orders over $199.50.

If you’re ready to try some of our products today, click here!