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Package Deals

Twin Pack 1kg Deals

Twin Pack 250gm Deals

3 Pack Deals

Bulk Package Deals

Kava Package Deals

Navigating the Australia Kava Market can be tricky. There are now more than 90 vendors with over 300 different product types. At Australia Kava Shop we make it easy for both first time kava users and experienced kava boffins with our kava package deals.

We have designed our Package Deals so that you can experience the full breadth of our kava range without having to break the bank!

In all cases we also include a free kava straining bag as well!

Are you wanting to try both Fiji and Vanuatu kava varieties, we have you covered with the following:

Vanuatu and Fiji kava Twin Packs .

The Vanuatu and Fiji kava Twin Pack is a great way to try both of our most popular kava varieties from both countries. Both varieties – Vanuatu Borogu and Fiji Waka are the best of both countries. Many customers like this option because they don’t know which type of kava they prefer…this Twin Pack gives you the chance to try both options and see which one you enjoy more!

Buy Kava Australia - Vanuatu and Fiji Twin pack - 250gm

Are you unsure whether you will prefer heady or heavy kava, or a mix of both. Again we have you covered with:

Kava 4 pack

What’s better than one bag of kava? How about four of them?! Stock up with the Kava 4 pack and save on shipping and price! We’re offering you some of our favorite kavas currently available – Vanuatu Noble grade Borogu and Melo Melo, Fiji Waka Premium and to top it off our famous Instant Kava!

Kava 4 packs

In all our Kava Packages Deals, we try and cover the full gamut of kava variations. Are you wanting to try both Fiji and Vanuatu kava varieties, we have you covered? Are you unsure about whether a heady or heavy kava type is best suited for you? In all cases our kava package deals include both heady and Keavy kava types. Are you unsure about gradients types, whether to go fine grade or traditional grade? Again, we have you covered with all our package deals including both 1-3mm and fine gradient powder types. Finally, are you unsure about whether you want to use traditional kava preparation techniques, or are you thinking about Instant Kava as an alternative to your kava squeezing sessions? We cover this option with our Kava 3 Pack, which has traditional kava powder as well as Instant kava!

The Team at Australia kava Shop endeavor to make kava a success in Australia. We believe that by giving a range of options to our customers is likely the best way for new kava customers to land on the product they like.